Archive For March 26, 2016

Help us make it happen!

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Help us make it happen!
Become more involved with our film by joining our crowdfunding campaign!

Indiegogo is a website where small film-makers like ourselves can bring our visions to life with the help of generous supporters and followers. Join our team and help us bring our vision to life. We have some great incentives for helping us, ranging from Exclusive all access passes at our Film Premiere to a Private dinner with the cast and crew. We can’t wait to have you on board!!

BTS part 1 – Ouchtakes

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BTS part 1 – Ouchtakes

This is what happens when you need to repeat a shot in different settings. It may hurt.
See for yourself!

First trailer online

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First trailer online

What is love? Is it a fancy or a fear. Here, a dramartic short flim about two Nigerian lovers who can no longer go on in elegant pretense and blissful quarrel. Love becomes even more difficult when these two very accomplished personalities come together to build a future. A story both magnificient and terrifyingly real. Because these stories are truly important and immediate, it is essential that we tell them.

Whoose side are you on?

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